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 鼎菲卫浴(TENFE BATHROOM)是一家专注高端暗装淋浴产品制造商,主供德国,为德国高端卫浴品牌做OEM,TENFE完全采用德国技术,保持德国企业的严谨作风,为了确保所有的产品在形态和功能上尽可能完美,采取零误差原理。TENFE2011年强势转入中国市场,以一种全新的形象向消费者展示具有德国技术的卫浴品牌! 鼎是古代视为立国的重器,鼎菲卫浴完全是德国设计、德国技术、中国制造。亦为中西结合!主供德国,在外观设计上吸收欧洲设计元素里面的时尚,精,简约的风格,对卫浴的理解从原始的“改变水之流态”到现代卫浴产品倡导的实用主义与装饰主义并存,用精致的产品装点精致生活,打造未来的"理想浴室"之概念,奉献给致力于追求细节完美的“乐活式”人群!在这个灵感稀缺的时代,重复的低成本与高效率吞噬着创意的生存空间。这同时也是充满机会的时代,麻木的人群对快餐消费习惯,却未必喜欢。数量的累积只能填补空虚,而创意的独一无二性,可以击碎空虚。 TENFE bathroom is a focus on high-end Concealed shower product manufacturers, Zhugong Germany, for Germany's high-end bathroom brand to do OEM.TENFE completely using German technology, to maintain the rigor of the German companies, as perfect as possible in order to ensure that all products in the morphology and function, take zero error principle.The strong into Chinese market TENFE2011 bathroom brand to show consumers with German technology to a whole new image!   
The tripod is regarded as the nation's ancient heavy, tripod Philippine bathroom is completely German design, German technology in China. Is also a combination of Chinese and Western! Main supply Germany. Have been exported to the European market, in Italy, Germany to see its shadow.Germany and the absorption of European design elements inside the fashion design, simple style, understanding of the bathroom from the original "to change the water and his ilk state tomodern bathroom products advocated pragmatism and Deco co-exist, refined prod
ucts decorate exquisite life to build the future of the concept of "ideal bathroom", dedicated to committed to the pursuit of the perfect details. "Broadwood" type crowd! In this era of scarcity of inspiration, the repeated low-cost and high efficiency devouring the living space of creativity. It is also the era of opportunity, hemp Wood of the population of fast food consumption habits, but may not like. The number of accumulated only to fill the emptiness, unique creative, crushed empty.
公司名称: 开平鼎菲卫浴有限公司 公司类型: 其他 (生产型)
所 在 地: 广东/江门市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产型
经营范围: 暗装淋浴,暗装花洒,暗装水**
销售的产品: 暗装淋浴、暗装花洒、暗装水**